Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Here's looking at you

So the task for today is to setup a blog list of my blog friends (great language this!) and see what they have been up to. So far I have met a great lady named Kristie, a helpful guy named Ben and re-connected with an old mate named Sue with whom I have attended psych lectures.

So what have they learnt or connected with from our first two lectures?

Ben seems to be a bit of a tech-head, sounds like my husband. I didn't understand anything he said in his first post, but then again I have never understood anything my husband has said about his babies (computers that is). His bit about his use of communication technology is something that I can relate to. Although I am not that reliant on my mobile, I really don't like to be too far away from it. My kids insist on texting me rather than voice calling even though voice calls between our phones are free whereas texts are not.

Kristie raises issues that I haven't yet touched on. Security of identity and personal information is one of the reasons that I don't 'play' on the net. Then in regards to time for social browsing, I don't have it, but I also don't feel that I need it. There are plenty of 'real' people out there.

Trekker Sue brought back some long suppressed images of big old machines that I was forced to learn while working in the UK. Can't remember much about them now but I am sure it must be fascinating to look back over the development of communication technology from personal experience. Hey, and my husband is a trekkie too.

I will be interested to see what other insights these clever people will bring forward over the next two weeks.

Cheers for now...


1 comment:

Time on My Hands said...

Hi Lee, Just read your blog and noticed that your husband is a "trekkie" or "trekker" there is a difference. After todays chat with everyone outside the tute room it is definitely a small world.....